Fellowship of the Spirit- 2016

The Fellowship Of The Spirit Utah Conference is Big Book based and offers workshops for all 12 Steps, The 12 Traditions, and speakers from around the country, as well as locally. Conference starts October 7 at 3:00pm and ends October 9 at noon The Marriott in Park City 1895 Sidewinder Drive Park City, Utah

Chapter 6: Into Action – Alex J_2014

Chapter 6, titled “Into Action”, is in my experience a guide for the steps 5 through 11 in the program we call Alcoholics Anonymous.  This chapter, as its title suggests, is all about the recovering alcoholic physically reviewing his wrongdoings and setting them right.  In other words, getting into action.  While working the steps throughout this chapter with a sponsor … Read More

Chapter 6: Into Action – Betty H_2014

I sobered up in a small group in West Louisiana with six folks who were sober from 2 to 32 years and who believed that everything they needed to know to stay sober was contained in the first 164 pages of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  They also believed that “sponsorship” was essential and they quickly assigned a woman … Read More