A Note from our Treasurer – Lenny_Lifeline June 2020

Greetings, Included here is the Salt Lake Central Office financial report for April 2020. As of 4/30/2020 our liquid assets are at a very healthy margin compared to our current liabilities. Overall we saw a net loss of only $186.87. Framing this against the changes due to the current pandemic, we are in very good shape. Group contributions are on par with previous periods. It’s clear that the region’s AA meetings are still prioritizing contributions to Salt Lake Central Office! I feel grateful to have the opportunity to be part of Alcoholics Anonymous. How many other organizations have put everything on hold or thrown in the towel during this time? I admire the tenacity and solicitude of everyone involved in this effort to reach the still suffering alcoholic. I can only speak for myself, but perhaps you can relate – I sometimes grumble at or resent my responsibilities serving Central Office. It’s not my favorite thing to do and I sometimes have to repeat the 12th tradition in my head during our meetings. I often wonder what effect my efforts have in our region and consider their worth. Let me say that as an alcoholic of the hopeless variety, it’s no exaggeration to say that Alcoholics Anonymous has saved my life. There is no doubt in my mind that I would have been dead by now if not for what this program, and the people in it, have given to me; asking nothing in return. The price for my life is a debt I could never repay. So for me, if everything I do in service to Central Office can help just one person come back from the brink of death and find the peace and joy of the life available through this program, then my efforts are not in vain. I want to tell you how grateful I am for what you do in service to the alcoholic who still suffers. Amidst our quibbles and bickering, let us not forget why we are here. Please let me know how I can be of service to you.

Warmest regards, Lenny

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