Spiritus Contra Spiritum – Carl Jung’s Letter to Bill Wilson January 30, 1961

“Spiritus contra spiritum” literally translates to “spirit against spirit”.  Loosely translated, it refers to “a spiritual experience to counter addiction to the spirits (alcoholism).” Spiritus in Latin means both alcoholic beverages, i.e., spirits, and the highest religious experience. In relating this simple phrase,  Jung confirmed for Bill that the A.A. program aimed at spiritual development and a spiritual awakening, as treatment for alcoholism, was the correct direction.

On January 23, 1961, Bill sent a letter of appreciation to Dr. Jung thanking him for his contribution to A.A.’s solution for alcoholism through his work with Rowland H. The Big Book refers to ghostwriter österreich part of the story on pages 26 & 27. This letter, dated January 30, 1961, was Dr. Jung’s immediate reply.

Dear Mr. Wilson,

Your letter has been very welcome indeed.

I had no news from ghostwriter agentur Rowland H. anymore and often wondered what has been his fate. Our conversation which he has adequately reported to you had an aspect of which he did not know. The reason that I could not tell him everything was that those days I had to be exceedingly careful of what I said. I had found out that I was misunderstood жіноча військова форма in every possible way. Thus I was very careful when I talked to Rowland H. But what I really thought about was the result of many experiences with men of his kind.

His craving for alcohol was the equivalent, on a low level, of the spiritual thirst of our being for wholeness, expressed in medieval language: the union with God.*

How could one formulate such an insight in a language that is not misunderstood in our days?

The only right and legitimate way to such an experience is that it happens to you in reality and it can only happen to you when you walk on a path which leads you to higher understanding. You might be led to that goal by an act of grace or through a personal and honest contact with friends, or through a higher education of the mind beyond the confines of mere rationalism. I see from your letter that Rowland H. has chosen the second way перчатки тактичні, which was, under the circumstances, obviously the best one.

I am strongly convinced that the evil principle prevailing in this world leads the unrecognized spiritual need into perdition, if it is not counteracted either by real religious insight or by the protective wall of human community. An ordinary man, not protected by an action from above and isolated in society, cannot resist the Seminararbeit schreiben lassen power of evil, which is called very aptly the Devil. But the use of such words arouses so many mistakes that one can only keep aloof from them as much as possible.

These are the reasons why I could not give a full and sufficient explanation to doktorarbeit schreiben lassen Rowland H., but I am risking it with you because I conclude from your very decent and honest letter that you have acquired a point of  фонарик на аккумуляторе view above the misleading platitudes one usually hears about alcoholism.

You see, “alcohol” in Latin is “spiritus” and you use the same word for the highest religious experience as well as for the most depraving poison. The helpful formula убакс мультикам therefore is: spiritus contra spiritum.

Thanking you again for your kind letter

I remain

Yours sincerely powerpoint präsentation erstellen lassen

C. G. Jung

*As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.”(Psalms 42:1)

20 Comments on “Spiritus Contra Spiritum – Carl Jung’s Letter to Bill Wilson January 30, 1961”

  1. My goodness grief, are you people for real? “Loosely interpreted” means exactly that, “non-credible”! This means that it is not true.

    1. “Loosely translated”, was the phrasing from above. I don’t see the relationship between Dr. Jung’s articulation of spiritus contra spiritum and addiction to be ‘loose’. Rather, his whole message to Bill was about how alcohol interferes and possibly negates the connection between self and God.

    2. I think even if you remove the offensive translation, the article still stands as it is directly quotable that he used that Latin phrase, and directly provable that it means what the article contends. Therefore the only “loose translation” the author refers to is deciding which of two meanings each of the uses of the Latin root “spirit” means. And since jung uses the phrase to illustrate a point, and not to make one, its accuracy is irrelevant. He explains that ‘tightly translated’ it means “spirit against spirit,” leaving the reader to make any and all other loose translations they desire. The author only provides this loose translation to aid in the understanding of the rest of the work. It’s not a history lesson, depending on facts and numbers, it’s an anecdotal illustration of a philosophy without the argument that it’s the only one.

      Is it possible you saw the words “loosely translated” and fell prey to “contempt prior to investigation”?

  2. Dr. Jung was right. People getting drunk are seeking a ‘spiritual experience.’ They believe ideas and revealations will occur to them while in the depths of consumption, that contemplative vistas will be discovered. They’re thirsty for more than just ‘spirits,’ they seek to make contact with the ethereal and their drinking is both ceremonial and sacred. People think beer is a muse, but that is only the beginning of that delusion — its root goes to the core of the drunk’s subconscuous.

  3. It gives reason to insanity but from my own personal description I do not cherish those times drinking spirits. It does give reason to rhyme but at what cost. I tried to fill the void inside me with spirits alcohol and many other pseudo spiritual things. There’s only one way out for me and that is recovery and that is Step work. I’m glad Carl Jung and BW got to speak it is what I chase today.

  4. ”In mediaval language: the union with God *”
    Doesn’t come from the psalm 42:1
    It’s referring to : ” Unio Mystica ”
    By Abraham Abulafia (1240-92)
    See.: ”VeZot LiYihudah :
    Epistles of Abraham Abulafia ”

  5. Simply: “Spiritus” (high alcohol content vodka(Poland)) (use) is contrary to the spirit.

    So many have egregiously complicated this over the years.

  6. I thought it was spiritus et spiritum. I’m not a scholar. I have a degree, not in related subjects. I’ve likely got it wrong.

    What I know is right, for me, is that I was looking for a full on, full time, ethereal connection to spirit. King Denizen was my original faulty solution.

    I came to the program with a divine dissonance. A craving for grace.

    I found it.

    Denice W

  7. Denice W
    in general you are spot on, but reread page 151 in the “Big Book.” We are the shivering denizens subjected to King Alcohol. Here it is…
    “As we became subjects of King Alcohol, shivering denizens of his mad realm, the chilling vapor that is loneliness settled down.”

    Although Bill has lapsed into a funky medieval analogy, I knew the feeling well.


    Dave P

  8. May God continue to bless you and your families, however we see it, God seems to meet us wherever we are at, to take us on a journey closer to him by his grace…

  9. My first sponsor wrote this formula down and handed it to me very early on. He told me I Believed alcohol was the solution to all my issues. I had to replace that solution with something else, step 2..Once I Believed and was able to give my will and life over to a Higher Power, then a new solution could replace my old ideas and healing could begin.

  10. Carl Jung in his reply to the 1961 letter from Bill Wilson said that the word for alcohol is the same as for a religious experience. He added a helpful phrase could be ‘spiritus contra spiritum.’

    Jung may have linked the two words together himself or he may have been displaying a condition he wrote about called ‘cryptomnesia;’ in which unknowingly he was
    quoting Marcus Aurelius (120-180 AD) who declared,
    ‘Espiritum vinci espiritus.’ Irrespective of this, both quotes mean the same, which is, spirit destroys spirit.

    With Jung’s vast intelligence and almost encyclopaedic knowledge of ancient mythology, both Greek and Roman, it is almost impossible to see why he did not directly quote Marcus Aurelius, unless he chose not to in order to claim the privileged knowledge as his own.
    I hope this helps WN

  11. Carl Jung in his reply to the 1961 letter from Bill Wilson said that the word for alcohol is the same as for a religious experience. He added a helpful phrase could be ‘spiritus contra spiritum.’

    Jung may have linked the two words together himself or he may have been displaying a condition he wrote about called ‘cryptomnesia;’ in which unknowingly he was quoting Marcus Aurelius (120-180 AD) who declared, ‘Espiritum vinci espiritus.’ Irrespective of this, both quotes mean the same, which is, spirit destroys spirit.

    With Jung’s vast intelligence and almost encyclopaedic knowledge of ancient mythology both Greek and Roman it is difficult to see why he did not directly quote Marcus Aurelius, unless he chose not to in order to claim the privileged knowledge as his own.

  12. Shame makes us self-reject. Until we admit guilt, our shame thrives in the darkness. It’s an inside problem with an outside symptom, not an outside problem with an inside symptom. From the outside (the onlookers’ perspective) it looks like a disease of ‘more’, but on the inside (egoic experience) it’s a disease of ‘not-enough’. Shame is self-rejecting. In other words, we are thirsty for LAVA (love attention validation approval).

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