From Your Chair – Wendy W – August 2014

Greetings, Salt Lake Central Office! I hope everyone’s summer is going well, but enough with the heat already. I’m always ready for some warmth, but this is a little over the top. Oh well, the snow will be here soon enough.

The big news around here is the ratification of the new Bylaws, after 6 months of ad hoc-ing and 3 months of deliberation, the body approved the proposed version, which can be found on the home page at This document has been through a few changes since its creation and continues to be a living document that will continually be modified in order to be more effective at doing what we do best, helping drunks get sober. If you or your group has a suggested change, we meet the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm where you can present your suggestion. I have a tendency to use my conventional thinking and want to impose rules from the real world on what we do here at the CO. Fortunately, the beauty of our program shines through in the principles, and I’m reminded that we are not a business, a school, a government or authority, we are a “spiritual entity having but one primary purpose—that of carrying its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.”

I cannot stress strongly enough that this is YOUR Central Office. Those holding positions are but trusted servants, they do not govern. Which brings me to my next topic, elections! It’s never too early to begin thinking about your next service position in AA, maybe it will be at the Central Office. The Chair, Co-Chair and one Trustee will be elected in November, and all 13 Committee Chairs will be rotating in December. That should generate some heat. And hopefully some filled positions. There’s plenty of work to do in our efforts to reach those who need us, what can you do to help?

In loving service, Wendy

July 21, 2014


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